Tim FitzHigham
Specialist Subjects
Arts & Culture, Travel

Tim FitzHigham is a Perrier nominated multi-award winning comedian, explorer, quadruple world record holder, historian, archaeologist, film maker and author. A regular on the corporate circuit, Tim can deliver after-dinner speeches, hold workshops, host award ceremonies and conferences, and he is also an experienced auctioneer (often the most difficult job of any successful evening but a vital one!).
Among numerous TV credits as a comedian, he has presented several documentaries for BBC1, and Super Human Challenge for CBBC which followed him around the world as he met the humans who defy science.
Tim has written and performed in two series of The Gambler for BBC Radio 4 based on his hugely successful 2011 Edinburgh Fringe show which centres on the ten greatest bets in history; Tim has toured the UK with his live version of the show. In the same year he starred in Channel 4’s royal family satire, The Windsor's. He currently hosts the monthly BBC Radio Norfolk New Comedy Show.
Tim has been invited to speak in London at the renowned Moth series which has presented thousands of live stories told worldwide.
Tim is a regular performer at the Edinburgh Fringe Festival. He has also made many stage and film appearances including Wolfman with Sir Anthony Hopkins, Booked Out and Hereafter both directed by Clint Eastwood.
Tim has spoken at countless business and charity lunches including the World Economic Forum in Geneva, the Princes Trust Charity Lunch, and numerous receptions at the UK House of Lords, the London Livery Companies, and London’s Alderman.
He has hosted conferences, diverse exhibitions, and festivals both in the UK and abroad including hosting the Earl’s Court Boat Show and the main stage at Camp Bestival with the Wurzles and Suzanne Vega. He is also a Fellow of the Royal Geographical Society and Freeman of the City of London, and a Fellow of the Royal Society of Arts.
Knighted by a foreign monarchy, Tim is a man with brilliantly bad ideas. He is the only man to row the English Channel in a bath, and has entertained audiences world-wide with his fascinating, hilarious, moving tales of dreamy impracticalness – breaking records and setting precedents in paper boats, running across deserts in suits of armour, climbing up the outside of the Doha Torch building in Qatar, balancing on chairs on the edge of the Grand Canyon, rolling cheeses, cheeseboards and wheelbarrows unfeasible distances, trying long distance Morris Dancing and taking on the world’s strongest woman in a bus pulling contest – Tim is a one off.
After Dinner Speaking
Tim has a brand new after-dinner speech, in which he talks about challenges using his own remarkable experience. He looks at setbacks – like when the French Government outlawed bathtubs in French territorial waters – and how to overcome them; logistical problems – like getting insurance for a paper boat; emphasises the key message: never be afraid to fail – like when he lost an arrow catching contest to the man with the fastest reflexes in the world. From failure come some of the greatest ideas and triumphs. Tim got lost in a force 7 storm with 2.5 metre waves on his first attempt across the channel in a bath. He was hospitalised but never gave in. On the second attempt he was successful. This is an overwhelmingly positive speech from a man who simply never gives in and wants to share, empower and most importantly inspire others not to be overwhelmed by the challenges and restrictions that face us all. It’s also one of the funniest after dinner speeches by one of the country’s leading comic story tellers.
Motivational Speaking
Following up his success as an in-demand, humorous after-dinner speaker, Tim created an all-new motivational speech for businesses. Tim’s speech stresses the importance of achieving goals and the usefulness of storytelling as a business asset. Combining up-to-date research with his own experiences on stage, in film, as a spokesperson for UN world environment day, as a farmer and as a highly successful businessman in his own right, Tim makes sure that no one in the room will ever make a boring or tired presentation again.
Business Workshops
Furthermore, Tim can run storytelling workshops to cement and expand the key messages of his motivational speech, and these work well as a companion, or can be delivered on their own. From the heads of City Firms in London to the World Economic Forum in Geneva, Tim has made business people and corporate bodies laugh, think and, above all, developed their presentation skills to make them more successful and useful employees.
Annual Conference and Dinner for Animal Health Distributors Association
Emerald Publishing Away Day
The Ogden Trust
British Science Association Gala Dinner